The gods river

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4 Responses to The gods river

  1. buchm says:

    I think this poem about Ganga is really good . You used great adjectives. Next time maybe write a bit more about how it acts but other than that its great.

  2. haywl says:

    amazing it realy flows like the river itself
    maybe next time you could include some more rhyming
    it realy made me seem next to nature

  3. codlj says:

    I love it Enzo, my faviate bit was were you talked about the family.
    Next time try and use some rhyming words and more repetition.
    But great work I also like how much detal you put in Enzo.

  4. sotin says:

    Really good Enzo,
    i think you could improve on making it rhyme
    i love how it flows.

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