Tragedy by Tamzin

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5 Responses to Tragedy by Tamzin

  1. abcefghijklmnpqrstuvwxyz says:

    Great use of ellipsis Tamzin,
    You really scared us with your suspense,
    although the sentence ‘it grabbed at me’ doesn’t make sense.

    Vincent and Sumayyah

  2. boydl says:

    Great use of elipses in the right place. I saw alot of ‘I’ in the piece. You could use adverbials like slowly, cousiously and suddenly. Its a very good piece though.

  3. meadm says:

    Amazing use of ellipsis! Great description. 🙂
    Next time look at your punctuation. Also I don’t think you would scream if there was a knock on the door

  4. saida says:

    Great work Tamzin.You used an ellipsis well to grab the readers attention and keep them guessing. You could use a simile to add more description. For example my heart was beating like a drum. Try to use different openers instead of I. You could use adverbial openers for example: slowly, suddenly, finally

  5. sumayyah says:

    Well done Tamzin.
    It grabbed at me doesn’t make sense at all

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