the horryfing little church lolllllllllllllllllll don don don

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11 Responses to the horryfing little church lolllllllllllllllllll don don don

  1. mshuttleworth says:

    Despite a disappointing title your concept is interesting . However it is obvious you have not read this back – ‘The empty aisle of the church is very quiet with no one there. Suddenly, a blast of wind blew in as I opened the door.’ This makes little sense -you could have tried -‘ The sound of silence filled the empty aisle of the church. Suddenly, a blast of wind flung open the heavy, ancient doors.’

  2. Cheekymonkey10 says:

    Make sure you read back over your work. Some of the sentences don’t make sense. There needs to be more full stops, there are only commas. Other than that I like the suspense and the description of the church. Well done Freddie

  3. Cheekymonkey10 says:

    Make sure you read back over your work. Some of the sentences don’t make sense. There needs to be more full stops, there are only commas. Other than that I like the suspense and the description of the church.

  4. brada says:

    Good suspense Freddie, but remember to check your work. Too many I’s will spoil it.

  5. I am cool says:

    Great work Freddie but I do think you should read it over, edit it, put in punctuation and to make sure it makes proper sense.
    Also remember to put in short sentences like :
    I froze.
    Sweat froze on my forehead.
    Then I felt nothing.
    Well Done for creating a suspenseful piece of work. It would do well to scare others.

    Finn and Vincent

  6. Aisha says:

    In my opinion this piece of text is great especially when you describe your setting.You also could try not using too much I’s or it will ruin your work

  7. ruizl says:

    Great punctuation good suspense it was quit scary too.

  8. mcmet says:

    That was very spooky and you used metaphors and similes. There is 2 things you did not use which is ellipsis which are these 3 dots … Also you did not use short sentences for ex ample you could of used I was shocked.
    Good try

  9. megansmart6524 says:

    Very spooky, If you did only use1 ellipsis it was be more suspense but good try. Some of the bits don’t make sense. Read over it next time .

  10. soloj says:

    Well done Freddie, you have used lots of similes and metaphors, just need to check some of your spellings ,if I was to introduce a word it would be personification, Personification is were your bringing something to life e.g: as I strolled down the lonely street I saw the leaves dancing . It was also a very spooky outgoing.

  11. soloj says:

    Thank you all for the reply’s on my blog because i have never had this much comments.


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