Charnae story

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6 Responses to Charnae story

  1. Ms del Pozo says:

    Great start CharnĂ¡e! I like your choice of word ‘pathetically’. It shows your character’s point of view so well. I already feel sorry for your character (looking like a big burnt cookie!). What happened next? Did they land safely in Spain?

  2. collr says:

    Awesome story Charnae. I loved how you created that exciting atmosphere at the end. I also really liked the description about the character e.g burnt cookie. Maybe you could included a few more adjectives. Which character do you think you relate to the most? Once again loved your blog,


    • buchc says:

      I could probably relate to Aliyah the most because I am always excited when I go on holiday and cant wait.

  3. wrigl says:

    well done charnae what a good story you left me on a clif hanger
    whats going to happen next?
    you could improve by changing the font

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