Hollie the piano

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6 Responses to Hollie the piano

  1. mattj says:

    You know I think it’s a great piece of work Hollie super work

  2. jbile says:

    Great work but try and use punctuation and make sure you check your work at the end youv’e made some mistakes but really good effort 🙂 by cc

  3. mshuttleworth says:

    A lovely peice of work. You missed a few capital letters, pleqase remember ‘I’ is a name.Quick question is his life begging or beginning?

  4. keohl says:

    Nice work Hollie!
    Keep up the good work!


  5. bouls says:

    Hi Hollie good pice of work well done hollie my bff xxxxx

  6. haydc says:

    Well done Hollie a lovely peice of work and very nice connectives. From chloe h

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