sian 100wc week 10

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8 Responses to sian 100wc week 10

  1. edelpozolagnea.206 says:

    You are absolutely right, bullies have ususally been bullied too. Please don’t forget to check punctuation. Ms del Pozo

  2. mattj says:

    Please check your puntuations,but it’s BRILLIANT…………Jessica/Greta

  3. clarm says:

    I really enjoyed your work,it was good of you to admit it.
    Keep up the good work!


  4. hurrl says:

    You have made some really good points but there are some spelling/grammar mistakes;
    meanly unstable?

    This is a great piece of work but I don’t really find it interesting to read.

  5. ollac says:

    that was brillant sian very good lay out but keep your eye on your puntuation!

  6. armse says:

    I really liked your peace of work it was brilliant but i think you could of added a bit more detail.

  7. badid says:

    it wa BRILIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIAN

  8. guemb says:

    i liked very much Sian.
    Just check punctuation and that wouls make it brilliant!!! 🙂

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