My lost and best freind

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6 Responses to My lost and best freind

  1. gilbd says:

    I liked it alot Miguel But next time try doing something original however I like your color design.

  2. mohas says:

    Well done miguel that is amazing!!that is the best thing I ever seen.
    you put alot of puncuation

  3. dasii says:

    Great work Miguel. It was great, you need to improve by writing a bit more, but your work was lovely. Welldone! Indiya

  4. mcdoi says:

    that was awsome miguel, i liked your spelling and punctuation and theres nothing to improve
    ; )

  5. chowm1 says:

    grate work miguel i think u should of wrote a bit more works because it dose not look like 100 words

  6. hempc says:

    this is really great Miguel!!!

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