Me and my sister

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6 Responses to Me and my sister

  1. wrigm says:

    That is great Allan but please when you type a full stop leave a capital letter after anyway that was good.

  2. chowm1 says:

    first of all i love the story but u wrote maybe wrong u wrote maby but other then that i love u story

  3. chowm1 says:

    first of all i love the story but u wrote maybe wrong u wrote maby but the story was grate

  4. mohas says:

    I like it when you were talking about your sister.
    I liked it when you were eating your ice cream.

  5. mcdoi says:

    it was heart touching to here that you don’t spend time with your sister allot
    but the blog was really REALLY good

  6. hempc says:

    Great job Allan it’s really good, I love it!!

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