Leonards Dairy- Zeynep

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3 Responses to Leonards Dairy- Zeynep

  1. mshuttleworth says:

    Well done, you have understood Leonards anger towards Alex. Don’t repeat adjectives, what other word could you have used instead of stupid? How else could you have described Alex? You also need to make sure that every time you write I you are using a capital letter.

  2. Antonia says:

    Sorry sir on my next blog I will use your advise and improve.

  3. Orpa says:

    Well Done!!, you showed Leonard’s anger to Alex in a really clear and very descriptive way ; P
    You had many errors and mistakes so next time maybe double check to reduce mistakes and errors. : D
    Maybe you could describe Alex like ” A two-faced jerk who tries to take people friends & family ” : )

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