Archie mystery story

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6 Responses to Archie mystery story

  1. gomem says:

    Good work Archie but you need more full stops like this.

  2. alis1 says:

    The peace of work was good. But make sure that you spell probably I would give that a 9/10

  3. mohar says:

    A good story and great powerful words, however check some of your spellings and you may need to revise your use of commas. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting story.

  4. mohar says:

    A good story and great powerful words, however check some of your spellings and you may need to revise your use of commas. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting story.

  5. soloj says:

    Fabulous work Archie, I have finally saw a suspenseful poem. It had a very good opening and ending, I didn’t see any ellipsis, Anyways over all I thought it was excellent poem well done.

    • odona says:

      Hi thanks for the comment but this piece of writing isn’t a poem it is a suspense text and you don’t always need ellipsis in this type of writing. Anyway thanks

      From Archie

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