EllieMay 100 WC

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6 Responses to EllieMay 100 WC

  1. pulaa says:

    Oh yeh that was really good next time you have a chance finish it off ok 🙂

  2. scars says:

    I really like the way you told us about why the monster came back. Great phrase he’s come back stronger.

  3. bolas says:

    I liked the part when you said I saw the trees rocking side to side. <3

  4. sarid says:

    Ellie this is a really good piece but you were in your house looking out of the rusty window and then you told us the story but you forgot to continue from the part when you were looking out the window but otherwise I really like it 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. clarf045.206 says:

    Great Story! It has a bit of a rushed ending maybe that is because you hadn’t much time left to make it descriptive but other than that it is great Well Done! 🙂

  6. Naomi says:

    Well punctuated and I think this is my favourite story so far.
    I never knew you were this good at making stories about monsters
    Welldone Ellie 🙂 🙂 😉

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