Tacy’s evacuation story.

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5 Responses to Tacy’s evacuation story.

  1. wrigl says:

    tacy well done:) I like your post I would love it I was evacuated I was like that
    would you like to be like this girl?

  2. haywb says:

    I like that this is on one of the lucky family’s side because the whole family is going. I it is well punctuated. I would like to know what happened when they got there.

  3. kupen says:

    Great! We really like it, most people just did evacuee’s being really sad and crying, but yours was just the opposite, excited and happy, making friends straight away.

  4. olly says:

    Nice story, It’d be really fun being evacuated like that. I’m sure that nobody else put that twist on their story

  5. dervi says:

    Very emotional, I liked the way it was a happy story, that her mum came with her. Also I liked this : ‘Her face as pale as snow.’ But, there were a few sentences that didn’t make sense.

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