Hello Lia, I really like your blog because you make it sound as if you are in the story. Why is your favorite part when Ivan thought he could hear his brother? Next time to improve try and make your writing clearer and bigger.
It is my favourite part because it makes him want to go and save his brother.
HI Lia I really like the last sentence in your blog . Next time try to use a simily. This the best blog I have ever read. teo
Nice work but maybe make it a little bit clearer but other than that it was great..!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello Lia,
I really like your blog because you make it sound as if you are in the story. Why is your favorite part when Ivan thought he could hear his brother? Next time to improve try and make your writing clearer and bigger.
It is my favourite part because it makes him want to go and save his brother.
HI Lia
I really like the last sentence in your blog .
Next time try to use a simily.
This the best blog
I have ever read.
Nice work but maybe make it a little bit clearer but other than that it was great..!!!!!!!!!!!!