Demi – The piano

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4 Responses to Demi – The piano

  1. Sofia says:

    Hi Demi,
    Your story/essay/peice of writing is amazing. I don’t think I would have been able to think up the idea of writing a essay as good as that. I don’t really like English. I’m better at Maths
    What are you good at?

  2. mshuttleworth says:

    Lovely sentiments and ideas. Please remember to punctuate your sentences correctly. There are a few fullstops and capital letters missing.

  3. jbile says:

    Really good story just remember I is always capital on its own. Great try, but mabye use more punctuation add more fullstops 🙂

  4. masoh says:

    Great work Demi, just check the first sentence. There are few missing words!

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