The tortoise by helin

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11 Responses to The tortoise by helin

  1. fursm says:

    You are missing full stops and in some points it does not make sense but apart from that If I was a girl it would of been great and a fun day out!

  2. treno says:

    It was good Helin but make sure you add full stops! (Important)

  3. gilba says:

    Good work but why is there blue writing.

  4. grubj says:

    Lovely Helin!!but make sure you put full stop’s when needed!!

  5. abdih says:

    Excellent work! you have used a good simile there. Don’t forget your full stops!!

  6. mayan says:

    Your story is good but, you missed out some full stops and comma’s.

  7. thomd says:

    That was a good work you did something wrong at the end you put in the best sleep over ever that doesn’t make sense really.

  8. foggc says:

    wow!!! Helin, that was brilliant, the only thing you need to improve on is your full stops.
    other than that it was really good!

  9. aliz says:

    Your work was brilliant but I think you need to improve more information about the turtle turning into a orange

  10. mcqus says:

    I really like your blog a lot but maybe you could say when the tortoise turned into a orange ,you could write Then it rolled down the road.By Shannon.

  11. mollt says:

    you have done very well ,but I do not know if you where talking about a Turtle or a Tortoise?
    I also hope you had a WONDERFULL sleep over.

    By T

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