The orange Tortoise by chloe

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5 Responses to The orange Tortoise by chloe

  1. wrigp says:

    After ‘footsteps behind me’ you need a full stop but a great piece of writing apart from that 🙂

  2. brugj says:

    That is good but Gangnam style, you should do move like Jagger, anyway you should make the sentence longer and make a name for the person. 😛

  3. clarf says:

    Very good even though there are a few capital letters missing. The colour on the text makes it very easy to read and there are no missing full stops. So very well done!!!!

    sent by Finn

  4. treno says:

    Wow Chloe this is very funny and there was no missing full stops but any ways well done.

  5. foggc says:

    Well done Chloe! that was a really good piece of writing
    and I really like the way you have chosen the blue with the orange (it really stands out)

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