Yasmin 100 word challenges

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5 Responses to Yasmin 100 word challenges

  1. abdiz says:

    I really like your writing and I hope you get your job as being a model

  2. mattk says:

    Nice resolution Yasmine. It was really good.
    By Kirin

  3. webbj says:

    Well done Yasmin!!!! I really hope that you get into Parliment hill or Camden school for girls!! Hopefully we both get into Parliment hill together. And you definitely will get better at Maths and be able to be an independent writer. And hope your dream job will come true!!
    And dont worry you will become fit and tall !!
    lol you are already

  4. lingl says:

    I really like how you wrote about what schools you want to go to and what subjects you want to get better at. I hope you get into the school you want to go to. Great work!

  5. hoxhb says:

    Great Yasmine I hope you get to your secondary and get your dream job.
    Hopefully you get through your GCSE’s and achieve your resolution

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