A dream deferred by jasmine and jessica

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5 Responses to A dream deferred by jasmine and jessica

  1. aulst says:

    This is great! Sophie’s favorite bit is “Maybe it dies like a thirsty flower
    Or losing all its only power. I (Alanis) liked “Does it appear like a creepy shadow
    Or fly away like a frightened sparrow ” Maybe add in the question marks at the end of the question.
    this a five star poem. Well done!

    Alanis and Sophie

  2. hoxhb says:

    Great I loved the way it rhymes and I like the bit “or does it disappear into a midnight cave”
    However I think you could of improved on the last line as it was a bit confusing but apart from that it was amazing.
    Mae and Brian

  3. boydl says:

    Its amazing!! 🙂 I love your use of rhyming words!!!! your description is great!!! One thing, it says ‘losing all its only power’
    maybe it would be better if you either drop the ‘all’ or the ‘only’. Its a great poem!!!! 😉

  4. abdiz says:

    I really love the bit when it says maybe it dies like a thirsty flower

  5. buchc says:

    Great poem . Good how it rhymes my favorite line was ‘ Does it appear like a creepy shadow’ but you forgot some question marks.

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