Harry if we share…

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11 Responses to Harry if we share…

  1. guemb says:

    There are a few mistakes Harry. But apart from that, it’s a very good story.

  2. owens says:

    i like it but you just copied a few things from red nose day

  3. ollac says:

    Harry that was a good post but you forgot about your punchuation

  4. harus1 says:

    Ilike your writing but you did a space and then you putted a fuul stop. From Samiha.

  5. whits says:

    That was a good piece of writing but you had some mistakes and no capital letter on the last sentence It was still ok.

  6. badid says:

    i like your script good wrok

  7. consi says:

    LOL Harry, you mis-spelled ‘effected’, instead you wrote ‘affected’ which has a different meaning, but other than that you have written a nice story, although you used the red nose day stuff when this wasn’t anything to do with red nose day!!!

    Unlucky Harry, you did OK
    from ilias xD

  8. odono says:

    Its good but needs more commas and capital letters in that, but other wise it was good.

  9. fursi says:

    Like Boutheyna said, there are a few mistakes but apart from that it is a really good piece of work and it is very discriptive

  10. chows says:

    You have made some mistakes but good work harry.

  11. barnb says:

    Good work but as everybody has said a few mistakes but really good poem

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