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8 Responses to Jeff

  1. harus says:

    Good poem! You are not meant to use slang, also when you typed a question you forgot your question mark.


  2. Cool Jeff says:

    Very good Martin you gave me goose bumps

  3. salsabil says:

    wow martim blown away you have given me a real sence of how bullying is
    maybe take out the bit bit at the end and change it to day by day bit by bit

  4. Ronnie_ says:

    Good Tamzin
    Only a few bad things, don’t use slang
    Remember capital letters
    Don’t use a comma for every new line:)

  5. harus says:

    Don’t use too many commas. One tip: don’t use it for every line.

  6. bellatrix says:

    That was brilliant. When I finished it I had tears in my eyes. I loved the phrase “Its broken my heart, bit by bit,” it was beautiful. But you missed out on some punctuation.

  7. mcmet says:

    Martim that was amazing just remember to not use commas on every line. Apart from that there is nothing else to say.
    I have gave you a 8/10

  8. kadia says:

    Martim I like your poem but you should read back over your work before you publish it.

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