Unfourtunate Lola by Regan

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4 Responses to Unfourtunate Lola by Regan

  1. erssr says:

    Brilliant work you forgot to put in a full stop at the end of your sentence.
    Something you need to work on is you should of read over your spellings because you spelt apolagise wrong and disabilities but well done for trying.

  2. mcmet says:

    I really liked your writing because you took your time.
    * I thought you could put some metaphors or similes to make it more intresting.

    From Tamzin

  3. holot says:

    Regan fantastic
    2 Things
    -You Did not use capital on 2 of the Maxes
    But a really good try

    By Teddy

  4. hempr says:

    thx u lot i will work on my mistakes

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