WW2 evacuees by Finn

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6 Responses to WW2 evacuees by Finn

  1. sh3000 says:

    Very dramatic. I feel sad for George.

  2. Alice says:

    A really nice blog! i like your use of vocab and use of similies. You could improve by keeping the tense the same.
    :0 🙂

  3. Oliver_Boliver8 says:

    Very upsetting. Almost made me cry! 🙂
    Nice us of adjectives and drama.
    Well Done!!!!

  4. bevad says:

    Great blog Finn! I am speechless. Very dramatic what happened to George.

  5. Invisable says:

    very powerful, I like the use of metaphors
    although you spelt time-times
    apart from that AMAZING!

  6. gilba says:

    Good job Finn. I feel sad for George though.:)

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