Skellig By Oliver

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6 Responses to Skellig By Oliver

  1. buchc says:

    This is really good but I think you should of made the writing bigger.

  2. Josie Gradwell says:

    Oliver this is a really atmospheric piece. I love the sentence ‘Skies of blood with shadows of thousand of birds painting it with a feathered brush’ – the way the image of the bird is linked with the feathered brush. I also like the use of colour throughout – skies that are blood red, an ocean blue bone cliff face, stagnant green. I want to read more!

  3. stepv says:

    Great Work Oliver We love the way you described the boy.
    One thing that you could improve on is that the word blood to close next to each other.
    Dude this is amazing LOL

  4. ghosj says:

    you hooked as in with the adjectives. To improve make your writing bigger .

  5. Oliver_Boliver8 says:


  6. ADAM.G says:

    Nice adjectives Oliver.:)

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