guest the emotion layla

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9 Responses to guest the emotion layla

  1. panaa says:

    I really liked your review e.g. Under the bed it was cold and damp and her heart was beating like a drum. But there was a tiny mistake because you spelt didn’t wrong. Do you like blogging?

  2. panaa says:

    I really liked your review e.g. Under the bed it was cold and damp and her heart was beating like a drum. But there was a tiny mistake because you spelt didn’t wrong. Do you like blogging?
    by Anna-Maria

  3. hoxhb says:

    Hi layla I really liked your writing and let me guess was it frightened. When you finish your typing makek sure you check it back and I think you should add a bit of colour I really think colour would make it better .Would you want to be a writer when you grow up?

  4. buchc says:

    Layla this is great! I loved the way you described everything like how you said under the bed it was cold and damp and really there is nothing bad I can say about it except a spelling mistake. Also I just want to ask do you like writing because your brilliant at it.

  5. lingl says:

    Well done Layla!! this was an amazing blog that you have written. You could really picture that the girl was angry and scared in your mind. Maybe you could of thought of different sentence starters 🙁 but it was still really good 🙂 🙂

  6. molls says:

    Well done Layla I LOVE your blog! It is like you are actually her. Next time you do not need to say
    Her knees her knees twice.

    Well done
    from Serena

  7. omarl says:

    To layla that was so amasing it almost made me fant it just drord my atenshon from liban

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