Ice palace opinions Teo

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6 Responses to Ice palace opinions Teo

  1. wfrewin says:

    HI Teo,
    What an excellent blog I really like your use of adjectives to describe the wolves. Did you hear that description somewhere else? Or did you make it up? I also enjoyed the animation.

    I find it quite hard to read the text as it is a bit small. Could you make it larger? It is also hard to read blue on orange.

  2. maliy says:

    Hello Teo, that was the most interesting blog I ever seen! I never saw a blog better than anyone else’s blog. Can you make it easier to read please? And well done!!!

  3. simmb says:

    Hi Teo I think your blog is amazing I love the animation also the adjectives you have used are outstanding have you heard the one about the wolves your writing is quite small though I hope you carry on blogging byee

  4. aulst says:

    Hi Teo
    You have used lots of adjectives.
    you need to make your writing bigger.
    Teo try to make your writing longer and more interesting?

    • wfrewin says:

      Well done Toby for identifying Teo’s excellent adjectives. It will be really helpful if you tell Teo which adjectives you like best so he can use similar ones in future work.

  5. clarj says:

    hi Teo i like your animation next time write more

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