Ice palace opinions Ruby

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9 Responses to Ice palace opinions Ruby

  1. rahms says:

    Well done Ruby! you have used fantastic vocabulary. I love the way you used lots of enthusiasm.

    What age do you think people should be to read it?

    by Freya and Sara from Aquila class

  2. bevar says:

    I like that you made this really interesting.
    is there any more you could write?
    I think you should write a few things about the charcreters

    • collr says:

      I think I should of put more character description in it but we were in early stages of the Ice Palace then.
      I will take your advice for next time.

  3. odona1 says:

    I like your writing because you give lot’s of detail and used some great vocabulary.
    What is your favourite part of the book so far?

    • collr says:

      My favourite part of Ice Palace is when Ivan thinks he sees his brother but it turned out to be Starjik’s cruel trick! I also like the wolf attack! Do you like Ice Palace?

  4. bygri says:

    We like your description. you are a very good writer. How dose the book make you feel when you read it? Maybe next time you could check your work after you are finished.

  5. collr says:

    Hi guys
    The book makes me feel exhilarated because of how often Ivan escapes near death and how many adventures he has.
    I will use your comment for next time.

  6. Mae says:

    Great review!!!!
    There is so much detail. There is not much you could improve on . I would love to read some more of your reviews.

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