Ahmed zoo keeper story

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9 Responses to Ahmed zoo keeper story

  1. abdua says:

    good story

  2. treno says:

    Well done but your forgetting full stops(.) but you have done a good job.

  3. clarf045.206 says:

    You didn’t use …..but when the leaves rustled……. and you also missed a couple of capitol letters and you missed use some words, however otherwise it was good!


  4. Lise xx says:

    Good Job I Think you misspelled ‘hurt’ with ‘heart’

  5. Hammy Dodger says:

    Ahmed your story is good but there are some downsides starting with this sentence so he went to bed somebody was in his bed a man. It doesn’t make sense, and where is the leaves have rustled. How do we know if his Dad is here? Make your mind up!! But if you overlook these mistakes you’ll find a good story writer. 🙂 🙂

  6. thomd says:

    I don’t get I am going to heart you but no full stop but really good 🙂

  7. Naomi Maya says:

    AHMED CHECK YOUR SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but otherwise it was good

  8. abdua says:

    nice story

  9. dervi says:

    Interesting, but you forgot your punctuation but good story.

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