The school week

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7 Responses to The school week

  1. brugj says:

    That’s sounds awesome but you could use some comma’s, and full stops to make your sentences smaller. Jamie your friend in Perseus. :][:

  2. clarf says:

    Mr Shuttleworth,
    He said you’ll be writing out capital letters and full stops for a month when you get back!!!!!

  3. grubj says:

    Well done Max but you forgot you CAPTIAL LETTERS! Plus you spelt which wrong ! We all miss you and wish you could come back sooner .Peace out enjoy your time there !!!!!

  4. treno says:

    Well done Max but you have forgot your CAPITAL LETTERS! you have wrote a lot there but you had spelt which wrong We all miss you loads well we all wish you could come back today! Peace out:][:

  5. abdih says:

    Well done Max 🙂
    Good use of brackets
    Make sure you put capital letters in 🙁

  6. brugj says:

    You forgot capitals and full stops.

  7. grubj says:

    Well done, you did really well writing this blog, but when I read it I can not breath because they is not enough punctuation.

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