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6 Responses to LilyMae

  1. mshuttleworth says:

    I love this resolution! I look forward to the new LillyMae

  2. guemb says:

    Really good!!
    My New Years resultion is less electronics!!
    I hope I achieve it.
    I hope you achieve your New Years Resulution too!

  3. ClaireG says:

    Wow, I adore the optimistic tone to this post! It gives me encouragement to keep my New Year resolutions. Thanks LilyMae.

  4. guemm says:

    I hope you bring in your homework every week! I would like to read the time more

  5. clarm says:

    Well done lily you really thought about your new year resolution keep up the good work

  6. mcmej says:

    i really like this and my new years resulution is bringing my homework in.

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