Today’s update from the Isle of Wight

Hi today we went to alum bay we also went on a chairlift which took us across a forest and it was really high! Then we went on a boat ride all the way across the sea which was also fun. After we went off on our own and Paige,Chloe,saffron and Tilly we all got a drink. Then we went into the shops and they had really nice stuff but we wanted to look around so we went to the arcades and played on the machines to win one direction pillows and Paige won a pillow but I payed her £1.00 so she gave it to me.

Then it was time to get back on the coach and went to Robbin Hill and we all went of on our own we had so much fun. There was a show about birds there was a hawk that went up into the tree and did not come down for ages! We also saw a vulture and a bald headed Eagle.

There was a cinema and it was 4d the chairs were moving when we were watching it and a toboggan ride.

Paige and Chloe

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5 Responses to Today’s update from the Isle of Wight

  1. Bruce and Mali Jackson says:

    Hi all,
    Wow that chair lift looked scary. Any of the teachers looks scared? Looks like you are getting good weather. Hope Tia is behaving herself. See from picture she is following Mr G!

  2. mshuttleworth says:

    Hi Paige and Chloe,
    You seem to be having a wonderful time, We went to the Victoria and Albert Museum yesterday for a traditional tales workshop. Mr. S was very grumpy!!!! We have done a lot of maths and worked on the laptops for topic.
    How do you feel on the chairlift? It looks very high!
    Was waiting for the ferry boring?
    Do you miss us? Have you had any sleep yet?
    What is the weather like? The sun is shining here and far too hot.
    Is the food better than our school dinners? What is the scariest activity so far?
    All the best,
    Perseus and the rest of year six

  3. guemb says:

    It looks like your having fun Paige and Chloe!
    Boutheyna xx

  4. Saifirsmumanddad says:

    We would like to say a big thank you to all the teachers on the trip that have made it possible, all the children look so happy. Well done for looking after them so, so well. A massive thank you to Elena Ms del Pozo from us all to have the opportunity to see our children having such a fantastic time. Well done….. You are all stars!

  5. Fran says:

    Hope you’ve all had a brilliant time – kids and adults too – looking forward to hearing more about all your adventures and its great to see the photos on the blog… safe trip back…

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